Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No Comment

I wrote a comment to this site. That comment was supposed to be for only 2 stanza but words keep on flowing that made it 5 stanza. So its good as a blog that made me want to post it here. The Blog is about curing cancer naturally but the reader don't accept the idea that raw food heals. Below is my comment, click on the image above to read the blog that I commented.

john October 5, 2011 at 11:28 am

People just don’t understand how natural healing works. For them, a solution needs to be complex for them to believe. And that’s what drug company is offering. They are offering complicated and expensive medicine which actually doesn’t work, aside from the side-effect that it gives to the patient.
When cancer patient choose to undergo chemotherapy, its true that they are killing the the cancerous cells but they are killing the healthy cells MORE!!! When you take your antibiotics, its true that it kills all the bacteria in your body and that includes good bacteria for proper nutrition.
I have a workmate who undergone chemotherapy. No worries for payment for it was covered by Company Insurance. The bad news is, CHEMO did not save his LIFE. He passed a way after Francis M. Mind you, Kiko also underwent chemo but didn’t made it.
My father and I was diagnose for Tuberculosis just this year. My father said uncooked food is unclean and full of germs so he underwent TB-DOTS where they are to take medicines daily for six months. My father passed away before he was able to complete his medication. Read story for more details. (http://healingisyours.blogspot.com/2011/09/disclaimer.html)
Nakaka-konsensya lang kasi ako gumaling, ang tatay ko namatay. There’s no harm in trying so long as the method you’re going to use is natural. There’s no side effect anyway. Besides, mas nakaka-konsya when there’s other option but haven’t tried it.

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